The 25 Things COVID-19 Clarified for Me

Found on Facebook, the original source is unknown.

- The United States is no longer the world leader.
- China won World War III without shooting a missile and no one noticed it.
- Prevention saves more lives than acting at the last moment.
- In a world currently obsessed with living online, somehow social distancing continues to be a concept people cannot understand.
- Health care workers are worth more than a CEO with a starting bonus.
- Even though we watched it happen, we still don't learn from each others mistakes.
- Oil is worthless in a society without consumption.
- My definition of ESSENTIAL WORKERS has completely changed.
- Death does not distinguish race, color or social status.
- Social media brings us closer, but it's also an easy way to create a panic.
- We now know how animals feel in zoos.
- We begin to appreciate the great gesture of confidence that means shaking hands.
- The planet is rapidly regenerating without humans.
- We're not ready for a pandemic.
- We need to invest more in health and healthcare rather than invest in failed banks.
- Vatican money stays in the Vatican.
- Alcohol (on hands) saves lives
- A consumer product can quickly move from " prohibited " to " essential " (ex: cannabis).
- It's better to buy a house with a yard rather than an apartment.
- During a pandemic, it turns out that the most important people for survival are the most underpaid, most workplace abused, minimum wage workers who refuse to stop working. While the highest paid in society were the first to stop working and become obsolete.
- Every age truly believes "it won't happen to me" while simultaneously having a breakdown worrying if it will happen to them.
- Our elders need us.
- At the end of this pandemic, the world will change.
- Digital is not real life, human contact is necessary although we can survive temporary social isolation.
- In such seriously scary and stressful times, you truly see both the best and the worst of humanity.

If you know the original source, let me know so it can be properly cited.

John L. Ferri
