Trump and the GOP - Reply to John Fedorchak
In John J. Fedorchak's letter to the editor (Sept. 16) replying to my letter, he said that he was "really disappointed" in me. Strange, because I don't remember making "not disappointing John Fedorchak" the reason for my being. Apparently John disagrees with my positions about Donald Trump and the GOP, and his reply to my letter of Sept. 13 gives me another opportunity to disappoint him even further.
He disagreed with my statement that Trump and the GOP would gut the EPA and wrote that it is a deceptive claim. As a matter of record, the 2016 GOP platform includes Trump's promise to get rid of the EPA and when Trump was asked what departments he would get rid of, he said, "Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations." John claimed that environmental regulations that give us clean air and water are killing jobs and the GDP. In fact, under Obama, the stock market has gone up, corporations are making record profits and have huge reserves of cash, and unemployment is lower than what Mitt Romney promised if he were elected instead of Obama.
The real reason Trump and the GOP want to abolish the EPA is greed. If corporations didn't have to worry about pollution, they could (and would) foul the air, water, and ground to increase profits. Taxpayers would then have to pay for clean-up, and corporations that are already making record profits would make still higher profits, some of which would be donated to the GOP, while still not passing any of them to the middle class or the poor.
John disagreed with my statement on GOP voter suppression and wrote that voter-ID is "a non-issue blown all out of proportion." What is blown out of proportion is the GOP claim of rampant voter fraud when, in fact, it is so low as to be non-existent. The federal government has reviewed voter-ID laws of several GOP-run states and stopped their implementation because the laws were targeting "with surgical precision" minority groups, who typically don't vote Republican. John claims that everyone should have proper ID. I agree, but getting proper ID is a lot more complicated when you are poor, have limited means of transportation, and time to collect the necessary records is scarce because of the demands of multiple low-paying jobs. Essentially, voter-ID laws are targeted voter suppression because the GOP can't win a fair and honest contest.
John then disagreed with my comment about global warming, citing a dubious web-site that one online commenter described as "a Revelations-filled, apocalyptic, Holocaust-denying, anti-Israel piece of trash that should never be associated with The Daily Review." I'll stick with NASA, the US military, and the overwhelming majority of real climate scientists who have been evaluating the evidence for decades and concluded that the Earth is warming, dangerously, the warming is accelerating, and the primary cause is the release of carbon dioxide from the combustion of fossil fuels by human activity. Several consecutive years have broken records as the warmest ever with 2016 on track to also do so. Again, the GOP and Trump deny global warming because it will affect the bottom lines of gas, oil, and coal companies, and changing their minds now will make them look even more foolish.
John disagreed with my comments about Trump's deplorable supporters. I'll clarify. One journalist ends his articles about Trump with this: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S. I agree completely and would also include that he is deplorable. And I conclude that anyone that agrees with and supports such a deplorable person is also deplorable.
I also wrote about other frauds and deceptions of the GOP and Donald Trump, including the Benghazi debacle, GOP non-action on the Zika virus, the GOP and Trump scams of trickle-down economics, and the GOP obsession with tax cuts for the rich. John chose not to comment on them.
My recommendation to John J. Fedorchak Sr is to stop watching Fox "News", and porn sites will probably give you better global warming information than the one you used.
John L. Ferri
Towanda, PA
He disagreed with my statement that Trump and the GOP would gut the EPA and wrote that it is a deceptive claim. As a matter of record, the 2016 GOP platform includes Trump's promise to get rid of the EPA and when Trump was asked what departments he would get rid of, he said, "Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations." John claimed that environmental regulations that give us clean air and water are killing jobs and the GDP. In fact, under Obama, the stock market has gone up, corporations are making record profits and have huge reserves of cash, and unemployment is lower than what Mitt Romney promised if he were elected instead of Obama.
The real reason Trump and the GOP want to abolish the EPA is greed. If corporations didn't have to worry about pollution, they could (and would) foul the air, water, and ground to increase profits. Taxpayers would then have to pay for clean-up, and corporations that are already making record profits would make still higher profits, some of which would be donated to the GOP, while still not passing any of them to the middle class or the poor.
John disagreed with my statement on GOP voter suppression and wrote that voter-ID is "a non-issue blown all out of proportion." What is blown out of proportion is the GOP claim of rampant voter fraud when, in fact, it is so low as to be non-existent. The federal government has reviewed voter-ID laws of several GOP-run states and stopped their implementation because the laws were targeting "with surgical precision" minority groups, who typically don't vote Republican. John claims that everyone should have proper ID. I agree, but getting proper ID is a lot more complicated when you are poor, have limited means of transportation, and time to collect the necessary records is scarce because of the demands of multiple low-paying jobs. Essentially, voter-ID laws are targeted voter suppression because the GOP can't win a fair and honest contest.
John then disagreed with my comment about global warming, citing a dubious web-site that one online commenter described as "a Revelations-filled, apocalyptic, Holocaust-denying, anti-Israel piece of trash that should never be associated with The Daily Review." I'll stick with NASA, the US military, and the overwhelming majority of real climate scientists who have been evaluating the evidence for decades and concluded that the Earth is warming, dangerously, the warming is accelerating, and the primary cause is the release of carbon dioxide from the combustion of fossil fuels by human activity. Several consecutive years have broken records as the warmest ever with 2016 on track to also do so. Again, the GOP and Trump deny global warming because it will affect the bottom lines of gas, oil, and coal companies, and changing their minds now will make them look even more foolish.
John disagreed with my comments about Trump's deplorable supporters. I'll clarify. One journalist ends his articles about Trump with this: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S. I agree completely and would also include that he is deplorable. And I conclude that anyone that agrees with and supports such a deplorable person is also deplorable.
I also wrote about other frauds and deceptions of the GOP and Donald Trump, including the Benghazi debacle, GOP non-action on the Zika virus, the GOP and Trump scams of trickle-down economics, and the GOP obsession with tax cuts for the rich. John chose not to comment on them.
My recommendation to John J. Fedorchak Sr is to stop watching Fox "News", and porn sites will probably give you better global warming information than the one you used.
John L. Ferri
Towanda, PA
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