Donald Trump and the GOP
In late August (8/21/2016), I went outside to get the newspaper (the Review, of course) and found that someone had put a Donald Trump sign on my front lawn bordering York Avenue in Towanda, PA. This is ironic since I’ve had anti-GOP signs in my front windows for almost a decade. They’ve been there in the sunshine long enough to almost totally fade away, just like the GOP is doing with Trump as the sunshine. I’ll explain.
Trump’s speeches, proposals, insults, and his general bigoted obnoxious behavior define the GOP platform, except that Trump has no filter and is not subtle. His intentions expose the heretofore-disguised agenda of the Republican Party. Trump has shone the sun on the GOP and exposed them for what they really are. The GOP and Trump are one and the same -- except for a growing population of Republicans who disavow him.
In Florida, under Republican control, the Zika virus is spreading because of reduced mosquito control. It took Florida decades to develop effective mosquito control programs. They were devastated in a few years by GOP funding cuts, and the GOP controlled U.S. Congress won't submit a clean bill for additional funds. Trump would gut the EPA.
In Texas, under Republican control, women are dying in childbirth at twice the national average because of funding cuts to women's health services while Texas Republicans claim that they have safe-guarded women's health. Trump would gut women's health care.
Multiple states, all under Republican control, have attempted to stop minorities from voting because minorities tend to not vote for the GOP. The GOP claims that they are trying to prevent voter fraud even though it occurs at such a low rate that it is essentially zero (32 out of billions). Trump would gut voting rights.
The GOP wasted at least $7 million and several years investigating Mrs. Clinton for the Benghazi attack. They have found squat and have admitted it in their reports. The U.S. compound was more vulnerable to attack because of funding cuts made by the GOP. Trump would use the government power of investigation for personal revenge.
The GOP is in a feeding frenzy with the email security of Clinton while she was Secretary of State. The FBI did not press charges because there was nothing beyond carelessness in a situation that was recommended by Colin Powell, who then lied that he didn't discuss email with Mrs. Clinton. Again, they have found squat. Powell's emails that prove he lied have surfaced. Analysis of Clinton's email server showed that it was not hacked, which is better than the NSA can claim. Trump will use Twitter.
The GOP and Trump have put forth economic policies that will benefit the rich at the expense of the not rich. If repealed, the estate tax alone will save the Trump family at least $4 billion. Supply side economics is a myth. It has never worked. The result of GOP tax cuts for the rich have been corporations flush with cash and record profits, but little for the middle class and the poor. It doesn't trickle down. Laffer used no data and a hand-drawn curve to convince Reagan of supply side economics. The majority of economists reject it.
The GOP and Trump are deniers of global warming, vaccine safety, and generally anything put forth by scientists. The vast majority of climate scientists (over 97%) agree that the Earth is warming dangerously. The CDC and FDA have shown that vaccines are safe and effective. There is no evidence otherwise.
Mrs. Clinton recently called some of Trump's supporters deplorable, but she later later apologized. I disagree with her apology. If you support Trump and have at any time shouted "lock her up" or "hang the", then you are deplorable: defined as disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable, unworthy, inexcusable, unpardonable, and unforgivable. If you haven't, then we merely disagree politically. Also, if you don't accept Obama as a legitimate POTUS, you are deplorable.
About Trump signs, if anyone wants to, put them in my yard. I'll be glad to take them out of circulation.
John L. Ferri
Towanda, PA
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