Trump and the GOP - reply to Bruce L. Fowler
Bruce Fowler's letter (Review, Sept. 23) is full of misconceptions, diversions, and deceptions from lies spread by the GOP, Fox "News" and Donald Trump. Without other sources, Mr. Fowler doesn't have a chance to come to valid conclusions on any of the issues he presented. His letter is vaguely written to define "deplorables" and to avoid any direct accusations, but his intent is to confuse and obfuscate, like any true Trump follower. (My numbering corresponds to Fowler's list.) 1. He alludes to the Benghazi attack and implies Hillary Clinton is to blame. Apparently, he missed the years of GOP investigations that wasted $7 million and found that there was no evidence of wrongdoing by either Hillary Clinton or Obama. However, the GOP was responsible for cutting funding that would have further secured foreign installations, including the Benghazi compound. 2. He mentions lying under oath without specifics but probably refers to the FBI investigation ...