
Showing posts from September, 2016

Trump and the GOP - reply to Bruce L. Fowler

Bruce Fowler's letter (Review, Sept. 23) is full of misconceptions, diversions, and deceptions from lies spread by the GOP, Fox "News" and Donald Trump. Without other sources, Mr. Fowler doesn't have a chance to come to valid conclusions on any of the issues he presented. His letter is vaguely written to define "deplorables" and to avoid any direct accusations, but his intent is to confuse and obfuscate, like any true Trump follower. (My numbering corresponds to Fowler's list.) 1. He alludes to the Benghazi attack and implies Hillary Clinton is to blame. Apparently, he missed the years of GOP investigations that wasted $7 million and found that there was no evidence of wrongdoing by either Hillary Clinton or Obama. However, the GOP was responsible for cutting funding that would have further secured foreign installations, including the Benghazi compound. 2. He mentions lying under oath without specifics but probably refers to the FBI investigation ...

GOP and Trump - Another Reply to John Fedorchak

One tactic used by the GOP is the straw man fallacy whereby one misrepresents another's position, then argues against the misrepresented position. An old example is when the GOP claimed that Al Gore said that he invented the internet. Gore was instrumental in the legislation that allowed the creation of the internet, but he never claimed to have invented it.  John Fedorchak used the straw man fallacy against Gore (why always Gore?) in his Review letter of Sept. 21 where he misrepresented the claims made in Gore's 2006 documentary about global warming, An Inconvenient Truth .  Most of Gore's predictions were accurate, a few probably premature (Kilimanjaro ice cover), but overall the average global temperature has and will continue to rise, sea levels have risen and will continue to rise, and the ice minimum at the north pole has shrunk and will continue to shrink. The south pole is gaining less ice each year and will lose ice in the future. Republicans and Tru...

GOP and Trump - Response to Warren Roberts

My recommendation to Warren Roberts ( Review, Sept. 20 ) is the same as I gave to John Fedorchak - stop watching Fox "News". Polls have shown that Fox "News" viewers are more uninformed than people who don't watch any news. As shown recently by the ouster of Roger Ailes because of decades of disgusting behavior toward women, and Fox's apology and $20 million payment to Gretchen Carlson, the network shouldn't be viewed by decent people interested in civil behavior toward women and unbiased reporting. Another recommendation to Roberts is to learn how amendments to our Constitution are added or removed. Briefly, each house of Congress must pass the proposed amendment by 2/3 vote. Then 3/4 of all state legislatures must approve the amendment. Neither president nor the U.S. Supreme Court are involved. Robert's mentions Christian bashing by progressives. He should be more concerned about Muslim and minority bashing by conservatives. He mentions the e...

Trump and the GOP - Reply to John Fedorchak

In John J. Fedorchak's   letter to the editor (Sept. 16) replying to my letter , he said that he was "really disappointed" in me. Strange, because I don't remember making "not disappointing John Fedorchak" the reason for my being. Apparently John disagrees with my positions about Donald Trump and the GOP, and his reply to my letter of Sept. 13 gives me another opportunity to disappoint him even further. He disagreed with my statement that Trump and the GOP would gut the EPA and wrote that it is a deceptive claim. As a matter of record, the 2016 GOP platform includes Trump's promise to get rid of the EPA and when Trump was asked what departments he would get rid of, he said, "Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations." John claimed that environmental regulations that give us clean air and water are killing jobs and the GDP. In fact, under Obama, the stock market has gone up, corporatio...

Donald Trump and the GOP

In late August (8/21/2016), I went outside to get the newspaper (the Review, of course) and found that someone had put a Donald Trump sign on my front lawn bordering York Avenue in Towanda, PA. This is ironic since I’ve had anti-GOP signs in my front windows for almost a decade. They’ve been there in the sunshine long enough to almost totally fade away, just like the GOP is doing with Trump as the sunshine. I’ll explain. Trump’s speeches, proposals, insults, and his general bigoted obnoxious behavior define the GOP platform, except that Trump has no filter and is not subtle. His intentions expose the heretofore-disguised agenda of the Republican Party. Trump has shone the sun on the GOP and exposed them for what they really are. The GOP and Trump are one and the same -- except for a growing population of Republicans who disavow him. In Florida, under Republican control, the Zika virus is spreading because of reduced mosquito control. It took Florida decades to develop effective ...