Trump and the Law

I'm not a lawyer, but if Donald Trump, his staff, and Republican members of Congress can pretend to protect the Constitution, I can opine on the law.

As a judge has ruled, Trump's executive order to change the 14th Amendment is “blatantly unconstitutional”.  If our laws were actually just, Trump would be indicted for this action. Instead, more judges rule and waste time to eventually conclude that Congress and the States are required to make this change.

It is obvious that Trump can't change the Constitution with an executive order. Yet, our legal system plods along glacially pretending to be just, while allowing criminals to remain free to break more laws. 

Our “laws” allowed Trump to regain power where a just system would have locked him up for his attempted takeover of the government when he lost the 2020 election. Our “laws” protect the rich and powerful because they were written and enacted by the rich and powerful. Our system needs major changes to hold criminals like Trump accountable. But the changes can't be created by people who wish to protect themselves.

That no man is above the law is a farce and a lie. Our legal system allowed a convicted felon and sexual abuser to get in power and the same legal system is allowing this same felon to continue breaking laws. Only 1443 days to go.

John L. Ferri
