Trump is Trumping Himself

During his first run for president, Donald Trump implied that he could fix what Obama had done. Here are a few of Obama's accomplishments: he fixed the economy that tanked while G.W. Bush was busy fighting a war of choice that killed almost 4500 American soldiers and maimed tens of thousands more; he successfully stopped several potential epidemics by listening to experts; and he passed a well liked health care program that covers per-existing conditions.

Trump did "fix" some of Obama's successes: he has repeatedly and unsuccessfully attempted to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with nothing, even during a pandemic; he failed to follow the pandemic response playbook Obama created and let a deadly pandemic infect over 6 million Americans, killing 180,000 with more to come; and his choice to ignore the pandemic has destroyed the U.S. economy and his chance for valid re-election.

After WWI, Hitler became dictator of a Germany destroyed by a war they started by promising to make Germany great again. His methods included: brilliant oratory of mostly lies; suppression of a free press; unending propaganda by a new media, radio; the violent suppression of opposition by the use of para-military stormtroopers and secret police; and the use of the same forces to incite violence as necessary.

Trump methods for re-election include: rambling word-salad oratory of all lies; suppression of a free press; unending propaganda from an existing media, Fox "News"; blatant lying about the security and integrity of our election system; the violent suppression of opposition by federal troops and white-supremacist militia groups summoned through his tweets; and the use of the same forces to incite violence as necessary. Trump is attempting to become dictator of America by promising to make it great again after it was destroyed by -- Trump.

John L. Ferri
