The Execution of George Floyd

George Floyd, a black man, was murdered by a white Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, who pressed his knee on Floyd's neck for almost 9 minutes, the last two being after Floyd stopped responding. Three other officers at the scene either held Floyd down or prevented any intervention from onlookers. It was a cold-blooded execution -- a modern day equivalent of a lynching. If the murder hadn't been recorded, the false report filed by the officers would have ended the incident as "a black man killed for resisting arrest." All four officers were fired from the police force the next day. A few days later, Chauvin was charged with 3rd degree murder. This was subsequently changed to 2nd degree murder and included charges of being complicit to 2nd degree murder for the other three former officers.

As has happened many times in the past, peaceful protests and demonstrations were accompanied by riots, property destruction, and looting. Demonstrations spread across the country in protest of the lax handling of the four officers. Peaceful protesters and reporters have been assaulted by police and arrested, and cases across the country continue to be reported. However, in some areas, police have stood in solidarity with the protesters.

There is no excuse for property destruction and looting because it diverts from the intent of the protests. This is why the protesters are not the same people as the rioters. Recordings show that property destruction and looting were instigated by opportunistic criminals and white supremacist groups. Police were involved in multiple and widespread unprovoked attacks on peaceful protesters, and several were fired for posting "Let's start a riot" to social media. Several mayors issued outright apologies stating that police violated the rights of peaceful protesters and reporters. Mounting outrage at four centuries of repression and murder of blacks in a country designed by and for white supremacists may have finally reached a tipping point.

In his usual bragging style, Donald Trump has threatened to use the U.S. military across the country to stop the protests. He used them in the capitol of our nation to attack peaceful protesters with tear gas and crowd dispersing explosives for a photo-op in front of a church with a Bible. His pandering has been widely condemned. He has threatened to use the military in states where a governor's permission is required. If he moves without such permission, the military can refuse to follow the illegal order. The military is about to show the American people if they are willing to commit treason on the orders of a traitorous president.

John L. Ferri
