
Showing posts from July, 2018

Crazy Old Man Trump Threatens Iran

Trump just threatened Iran via an all upper-case tweet with "...  CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE." Some background is in order. In August, 2017, he threatened N. Korea with "fire and fury", then gave Kin Jong-un -- a brutal dictator who murders, imprisons, and enslaves his own people -- a world stage in June 2018, said Kim was "talented" and that he "loves his people."  Trump subsequently halted joint military exercises between the U.S. and S. Korea because Kim said they were threatening.  We got nothing in return, and N. Korea continues with their nuclear program. Incidentally, Russia and China wanted the U.S. / S. Korea exercises stopped too. Trump's meeting with Kim gave the dictator propaganda that he can use to further subjugate his people for decades. In July 2018, Trump met with the "elected" president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in Helsinki. Putin murders his opponent...