"Medicare For All" Would Save Trillions
The proposed healthcare plan called "Medicare for All" or M4A would save the U.S. more than $2 trillion over the decade from 2022 to 2031. Details are hidden in a July 2018 Koch Brothers funded report by Charles Blahous of the libertarian Mercatus Center at George Mason University titled "The Costs of a National Single-Payer Healthcare System." The report correctly estimates that federal health expenditures would increase by $32.6 trillion over the decade, but it doesn't clearly explain that this has no effect on the $2 trillion saving. Federal health expenditures (FHE), mentioned above, refers to health spending by the federal government. Another item, national health expenditures (NHE), refers to all or total health spending -- private spending and federal spending including Medicaid and Medicare. The report estimates current NHE for the decade under the current healthcare system at $59.653 trillion, and NHE under M4A at $57.599 trillion, for a savin...