
Showing posts from March, 2010

10 Republican Commandments

Unto every problem there is a solution, and that solution is tax cuts because "Deficits Don't Matter. Thou shalt cut taxes on the very rich, because the rich giveth to us. Thou shalt deregulate everything that donateth unto us. Thou shalt honor marriage between a man and woman as longeth as we can covet man or woman, or standeth wide in the head. Thou shalt complain and whine constantly, for blessed are the loud and obnoxious. Thou shalt ignore facts and common sense in all matters, for blessed are the uninformed and clueless. Thou shalt offer prayer as solutions to all problems, because prayer is easier and cheaper than work, money, or competency. Thou shalt be loyal to Republican dogma, for they shall be repaid with wingnut welfare. Thou shalt honor life just before and up to birth, and just before and up to death. In between these, you're on your own. Thou shalt blameth all matters on homosexuals, except when it involves an otherwise loyal wingnut and only if he gets ca...

Republican and Conservative Tactics

The more I read about what the Republicans and Conservatives are doing to undo anything in the way of progress on anything, the more it reinforces my opinion that the only thing they want to do is destroy the country so that the non-Republican party in charge fails, regardless of the damage done. This tactic may be successful because Republican supporters are gullible and respond well to these smoke and mirror tricks. Republicans are good at getting elected; Republicans suck at governing. Do I hate Republicans and Conservatives? No, but I truly hate assholes and idiots.